
Wednesday 9 May 2018

Little Monsters by Kara Thomas

I read a lot of YA. I read a lot of thrillers. But something I tend to neglect somewhat in my reading in YA thrillers. Recently I've been in the mood for them so I finally picked up Little Monsters which has been on my TBR list forever. And yeah, it's pretty damn good.

One great thing about this book is it did not go in the direction I expected. It wasn't 100% surprising and I could see a lot of what happened around the middle of the book coming from a mile off, but then the story evolved and went in a slightly different direction again which was surprising. I will say that the very end (as in, literally the last sentence) was confusing for me. I didn't understand what it was trying to do, though it was framed as a last-minute twist of sorts. Maybe someone can explain to me what that meant because yeah, it left things on a weird note.

Little Monsters tells the story of Kacey, the relatively new girl in town who is still struggling to find her place among her friends. The plot kicks off when her two best friends don't invite her to a party one night and, unfortunately, this is also the night where one of the friends mysteriously vanishes. Like most YA thrillers, this book does take some ridiculous turns. They're not awful but they're not exactly the most logical of routes either. Kacey also makes terrible decisions throughout which is very frustrating. I consider both of those features of the YA thriller genre though so I'm willing to let it slide. I get very tense reading about people accused of a murder they didn't commit so perhaps Kacey's poor decisions got to me more than they would most.

Overall, this is a neat little read. The writing style is pleasant enough and I definitely wanted to keep reading to find out what happened next. The ending is satisfying if not perfect, and all the characters are quite well-developed and interesting. If YA thrillers are your thing, you should definitely check this one out.

Overall Rating:

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