
Thursday 2 January 2014

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Thirteen Thoughts about Thirteen Reasons Why:

 1. I read it all in one sitting. I guess that's more of a fact that a thought but whatever, we're off to a great start

2. I love the way the story is structured through the use of the tapes

3. I don't love the chapters set in the 'present'. I understand that they are necessary in order to get to know Clay properly but for me, they weren't the 'real' story and they slowed the pacing down

4. I don't like Hannah. In fact, I think she's sort of a bitch. Do I feel bad for her? Yes. But at the same time, it seems to me that she killed herself out of spite more than anything. Now this is purely personal opinion but for me, it didn't feel like the thirteen reasons were good enough for me to understand why she committed suicide. Bullying is trivialised too much but at the same time, people have gone through way worse than Hannah did. Her making the tapes to guilt everyone she held responsible as well just seemed cruel to me, especially considering how most of her victims were unaware of the role they played or did stuff accidentally

5. Despite me disliking Hannah, I still adore this book

6. This book will make you think. It will also definitely stay with you for a long time after you've read it

7. The first time I read the ending, I hated it. I then thought about it and decided I absolutely love it instead
8. Hmm...I may be running out of things to say

9. No wait, I haven't mentioned how refreshing it is to read a young adult book where the morality isn't so black and white. It's nice to have uncertain grey

10. Okay, now I have run out of things to say

11. Erm, the cover is nice?

12. Thirteen is bad luck so I'll stop here. In short, read it. Read it now

Overall Score:

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